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Target Exam





India-People and Economy: Geographical Perspective on selected issues and Problems


Match the following options correctly:

List 1

List 2

(a) Water pollution

(i) Located in Madhya Pradesh

(b) Dharavi

(ii) Acid rain

(c) Air Pollution

(iii) Diarrhoea

(d) Jhabua

(iv) Located in Mumbai



(a)- i, (b)- iv, (c)- ii, (d)- iii

(a)- iii, (b)- i, (c)- ii, (d)- iv

(a)- iii, (b)- iv, (c)- i, (d)- ii

(a)- iii, (b)- iv, (c)- ii, (d)- i

Correct Answer:

(a)- iii, (b)- iv, (c)- ii, (d)- i


Water pollution is a source of various water-borne diseases. The diseases commonly caused due to contaminated water are diarrhea, intestinal worms, hepatitis, etc. The World Health Organization shows that about one-fourth of the communicable diseases in India are water-borne.

Acid rain is caused by air pollution.

Dharavi in Mumbai is largest slum in Asia

Jhabua district is located in the westernmost agro-climatic zone in Madhya Pradesh. It is, in fact, one of the five most backward districts of the country.