Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




Employees learn their jobs on the equipment they will be using, but the training is conducted away from the actual work place. Name the training method, explained here.


Case study

Programmed instructions

Vestibule training

Internship training

Correct Answer:

Vestibule training


The correct answer is option (3) : Vestibule training

Vestibule training is a method where employees learn their jobs on equipment they will be using, but the training is conducted away from the actual workplace.

It is a simulated work environment where employees can gain practical experience and skills in a controlled setting before they are assigned to their actual job tasks.

This method allows for hands-on training and skill development without the risk or disruption that may occur if training were conducted directly on the shop floor or in the real workplace.

Case Study: Taken from actual experiences of organisations, cases represent attempts to describe, as accurately as possible real problems that managers have faced.

Programmed Instruction: This method incorporates a prearranged and proposed acquisition of some specific skills or general knowledge,

Internship Training: It is a joint programme of training in which educational institutions and business firms cooperate. Selected candidates carry on regular studies for the prescribed period.

They also work in some factory or office to acquire practical knowledge and skills.