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Target Exam





Macro Economics: National Income Accounting


In Mountains region, stream can be found almost everywhere. Energy of such streams to move small turbine which generate electricity. They are called___________.


Mini Mountain Electricity

Mini hydel plants

Mini Electricity plants

Mini dynamo plants

Correct Answer:

Mini hydel plants


The correct answer is option (2) : Mini hydel plants

Mini-hydel Plants: In mountainous regions, streams can be found almost everywhere. A large percentage of such streams are perennial. Mini-hydel plants use the energy of such streams to move small turbines. The turbines generate electricity which can be used locally. Such power plants are more or less environment-friendly as they do not change the land use pattern in areas where they are located; they generate enough power to meet local demands. This means that they can also do away with the need for large scale transmission towers and cables and avoid transmission loss.