Practicing Success

Target Exam





Foreign/Latin Words


Replace the underlined word with the correct foreign word from the options given below:

It was the promise of better job opportunities against the inconvenience of moving away and leaving friends.


vice versa




Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option (4) → versus

In the sentence "It was the promise of better job opportunities against the inconvenience of moving away and leaving friends," the underlined word "against" is expressing a comparison or contrast between two options or factors. Therefore, the correct foreign word to replace "against" in this context would be: VERSUS

"Versus" directly denotes a comparison or opposition between two things, fitting perfectly in the sentence to contrast the promise of better job opportunities with the inconvenience of leaving friends.

1.vice versa: -
This Latin phrase means "the other way around" or "conversely." It is used to indicate that the roles or conditions mentioned can be reversed.

2. vendetta: -
This Italian word refers to a prolonged and bitter feud or conflict, typically between families or groups, often involving revenge.

3. viz:  -
This is an abbreviation of the Latin word "videlicet," meaning "namely" or "that is to say." It is used to introduce examples or specific details.

4. versus:  - This Latin word means "against" and is commonly used to indicate a comparison or opposition between two things, often in a legal or competitive context.