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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


In which case, Right to livelihood was established as part of Right to life under Article 21 of the Constitution?


Shankari Prasad Case

Olga Tellis v/s Bombay Municipal Corporation

Maneka Gandhi v/s VOI Case

N. Nagaraj v/s VOI Case

Correct Answer:

Olga Tellis v/s Bombay Municipal Corporation


The correct answer is Option 2 - Olga Tellis v/s Bombay Municipal Corporation

The case in which the Right to Livelihood was established as part of the Right to Life under Article 21 of the Constitution of India is "Olga Tellis v/s Bombay Municipal Corporation."
The case revolved around the eviction of pavement dwellers in Bombay (now Mumbai) and the denial of their right to livelihood as a result.
The petitioners argued that their right to life, which includes the right to livelihood, was being infringed upon by the municipal corporation's actions to evict them without providing alternative arrangements. They contended that depriving them of their means of livelihood would lead to their destitution and violation of their fundamental rights.
The Supreme Court, in its landmark judgment, held that the right to livelihood is an integral part of the right to life guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constitution. The court emphasized that the state has a duty to ensure that every citizen has the opportunity to earn a livelihood and that the denial of such an opportunity would violate their fundamental rights.