Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Nature and significance of Management


Identify the function of management which is mainly performed by Top Level manager.






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is option (3) : Planning

The function of management that is mainly performed by top-level managers is Planning.

Top-level managers are responsible for strategic planning and decision-making, setting the organization's overall direction and long-term goals. Planning is a key function at the top level of management as it involves establishing objectives, formulating policies, and creating strategies to guide the organization's future. While top-level managers do engage in other functions, such as organizing and directing, their primary role is often focused on high-level planning and decision-making.

* Organizing- Organizing is the function of management that involves arranging resources, tasks, and people to achieve organizational goals. It includes designing the organizational structure, defining roles and responsibilities, establishing communication channels, and coordinating activities. Middle-level managers often play a significant role in organizing, ensuring that the work is structured effectively to achieve the objectives set by top-level managers.

* Staffing- Staffing is the function of management that involves recruiting, selecting, training, and retaining employees. It focuses on ensuring that the organization has the right people with the necessary skills and qualifications to perform their roles effectively. Middle-level and lower-level managers are typically more involved in the day-to-day aspects of staffing, including hiring and personnel management.

* Directing- Directing is the function of management that involves leading and guiding employees to achieve organizational goals. It includes aspects like motivating, communicating, delegating tasks, and providing feedback to employees. Middle-level managers often play a crucial role in directing the efforts of the workforce and ensuring that they are aligned with the organization's objectives.