Practicing Success

Target Exam





Grammar: Idioms


Select the most appropriate meaning of the idiom given in bold in the following sentence.

The memory of all that blood was enough to make my flesh crawl.


frightened me

worried me

drew my attention

confused me

Correct Answer:

frightened me


The most appropriate meaning of the idiom given in bold in the following sentence is frightened me.

The idiom "make my flesh crawl" means to make someone feel very uncomfortable or disgusted. It is often used to describe a feeling of revulsion or fear. In the sentence "The memory of all that blood was enough to make my flesh crawl," the speaker is saying that the memory of the blood is so disturbing that it makes them feel physically ill.

The other options are not correct.

  • Worried me does not mean make my flesh crawl.
  • Drew my attention does not mean make my flesh crawl.
  • Confused me does not mean make my flesh crawl.