Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


MSME and Business Entrepreneurship


Which of the following statement is true regarding the role of MSME?

(A) MSME are the second largest employers of human resources, after agriculture. They generate more number of employment opportunities per unit of capital invested compared to large industries.

(B) MSME in our country supply an enormous variety of products which include mass consumption goods, readymade garments etc.

(C) MSME provide ample opportunity for entrepreneurship.

(D) Due to the small size of the organisations, quick and timely decisions can be taken without consulting many people as it happens in large sized organisations. New business opportunities can be captured at the right time.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below.


(A), (C) and (D) only

(B), & (C) Only

(C) and (D) only

(A), (B), (C), (D) only

Correct Answer:

(A), (B), (C), (D) only


The correct answer is option 4- (A), (B), (C), (D) only.

MSME in India enjoy a distinct position in view of their contribution to the socio-economic development of the country. The emphasis on MSME has always been an integral part of India’s industrial strategy. Development of MSME prevents migration of rural population to urban areas in search of employment and contributes to other socio-economic aspects, such as reduction in income inequalities, dispersed development of industries and linkage with other sectors of the economy. In fact, promotion of MSME and rural industrialisation has been considered by the Government of India as a powerful instrument for realising the twin objectives of ‘accelerated industrial growth and creating additional productive employment potential in rural and backward areas.’ The following points highlight their contribution.

(i) The contribution of these industries to the balanced regional development of our country is noteworthy. Small industries in India account for 95 percent of the industrial units in the country.

(ii) MSME are the second largest employers of human resources, after agriculture. They generate more number of employment opportunities per unit of capital invested compared to large industries. They are, therefore, considered to be more labour-intensive and less capital-intensive. This is a boon for a labour surplus country like India.

(iii) MSME in our country supply an enormous variety of products which include mass consumption goods, readymade garments, hosiery goods, stationery items, soaps and detergents, domestic utensils, leather, plastic and rubber goods, processed foods and vegetables, wood and steel furniture, paints, varnishes, safety matches, etc. A special mention should be made of handlooms, handicrafts and other products from traditional village industries in view of their export value.

(iv) MSME which produce simple products using simple technologies and depend on locally available resources both material and labour can be set up anywhere in the country. Since they can be widely spread without any locational constraints, the benefits of industrialisation can be reaped by every region. They, thus, contribute significantly to the balanced development of the country.

(v) MSME provide ample opportunity for entrepreneurship. The latent skills and talents of people can be channelled into business ideas which can be converted into reality with little capital investment and almost nil formalities to start a small business.

(vi) MSME also enjoy the advantage of low cost of production. Locally available resources are less expensive. Establishment and running costs of small industries are on the lower side because of low overhead expenses. Infact, the low cost of production which small industries enjoy is their competitive strength.

(vii) Due to the small size of the organisations, quick and timely decisions can be taken without consulting many people as it happens in large-sized organisations. New business opportunities can be captured at the right time.