Practicing Success

Target Exam





Microbes in Human Welfare


Read the following statements about the disadvantages of chemical agents

(I) Chemicals pose a threat to human beings and animals due to their toxic nature.

(II) Chemicals contribute to environmental pollution and harm plants.

(III) The use of weedicides for weed removal leads to soil pollution.

Choose the correct option.



I, II and III

I and II

I and III

II and III

Correct Answer:

I, II and III


The correct answer is Option is (1)-  I , II and III .

Statement (I): Chemicals pose a threat to human beings and animals due to their toxic nature.

  • Many chemical agents, including pesticides, herbicides, and industrial chemicals, are toxic to humans and animals. Exposure can lead to acute health effects, such as poisoning, skin irritation, and respiratory issues, as well as long-term effects .

Statement (II): Chemicals contribute to environmental pollution and harm plants.

  • Chemical agents can contaminate soil, water, and air, leading to widespread environmental pollution. Pesticides and herbicides, for example, can kill non-target plants and beneficial insects, disrupt ecosystems, and reduce biodiversity. Chemical fertilizers can lead to nutrient runoff into water bodies, causing eutrophication and harming aquatic life.

Statement (III): The use of weedicides for weed removal leads to soil pollution.

  • Weedicides (herbicides) are chemicals specifically designed to kill weeds. Their use can lead to soil contamination, as they often persist in the environment and can negatively affect soil health. This can result in decreased soil fertility, harm to beneficial soil microorganisms, and the accumulation of toxic residues that may affect future crops.

Given the explanations, all three statements highlight significant disadvantages of chemical agents. Therefore, the correct option is: 1) I, II, and III