Practicing Success

Target Exam





Attitudes and Social Cognition

The process of attitude change involves the modification or alteration of an individual's attitudes towards a person, object, idea, or situation. Attitude change can occur through various mechanisms and influences. One common method of attitude change is through persuasion. Persuasive communication, such as advertising, public speeches, or interpersonal discussions, aims to influence attitudes by presenting arguments, evidence, or emotional appeals. This can lead to a shift in an individual's beliefs, emotions, and subsequent attitude. Cognitive dissonance theory suggests that individuals strive to reduce inconsistency or discomfort between their attitudes and behaviors. When confronted with inconsistencies, people may adjust their attitudes to align with their actions, leading to attitude change. Overall, attitude change is a dynamic process influenced by persuasive communication, social influence, personal experiences, and the need for cognitive consistency. Understanding this process can aid in promoting positive attitude change and fostering greater acceptance and understanding among individuals.

Balance occurs in the P-O-X triangle when:


All three sides of the triangle are negative.

Two sides are negative, and one side is positive.

All three sides of the triangle are positive.

Either 2 0r 3

Correct Answer:

Either 2 0r 3


Imbalance is found when

(i) all three sides of the P-O-X triangle are negative, or

(ii) two sides are positive, and one side is negative.

Balance is found when

(i) all three sides are positive, or

(ii) two sides are negative, and one side is positive