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Target Exam





Grammar: Idioms


What is the meaning of the idiom "red handed"?


to admire someone

to find someone in the act of doing something illegal

bouquet of roses

hands with blood

Correct Answer:

to find someone in the act of doing something illegal


The correct answer is ☀ to find someone in the act of doing something illegal.

The idiom "red-handed" comes from the idea that someone who is caught red-handed will have the evidence of their crime on their hands, such as blood or stolen goods. For example, if a police officer catches a burglar red-handed, the burglar may have the stolen goods in their hands or there may be blood on their hands from breaking into the house.

The other options are incorrect. "To admire someone" is not an idiom, and "bouquet of roses" and "hands with blood" do not have the same meaning as "red-handed."