Practicing Success

Target Exam





Grammar: Idioms


Select the idiom that can correctly replace the underlined part of the given sentence.

I know she really wants the promotion, but she really hit me below the hand by telling the boss about my personal problems


hit me the bricks

hit me below the books

hit me below the bottle

hit me below the belt

Correct Answer:

hit me below the belt


The idiom that can correctly replace the underlined part of the given sentence is hit me below the belt.

The idiom "hit below the belt" means to do something unfair or underhanded to someone. It is often used to describe someone who attacks someone's personal weaknesses or vulnerabilities in order to gain an advantage.

In the given sentence, the speaker is saying that their coworker told the boss about their personal problems in order to get the promotion. This is considered to be a "hit below the belt" because it is unfair and unethical to use someone's personal problems against them.

Here are some other examples of how the idiom "hit below the belt" can be used in a sentence:

  • "He hit me below the belt by calling me names."
  • "She hit below the belt by spreading rumors about me."
  • "The politician hit below the belt by attacking his opponent's family."