Practicing Success

Target Exam





Self and Personality

Which theorist proposed that achieving unity and oneness requires becoming aware of the wisdom available in one's personal and collective unconscious?
Carl Jung
Karen Horney
Alfred Adler
Erich Fromm
Correct Answer:
Carl Jung
Jung proposed the existence of a collective unconscious, which encompasses archetypes or primordial images. These archetypes are not acquired individually but are inherited. Examples of archetypes include the God figure or Mother Earth, which can be found in the myths, dreams, and artistic creations of diverse cultures worldwide. Jung believed that the self, as an archetype, yearns for unity and oneness and manifests in various ways. According to Jung, achieving unity and wholeness requires an individual to become increasingly aware of the wisdom present in their personal and collective unconscious. By cultivating this awareness and living in harmony with it, one can strive towards achieving a state of unity and integration.