Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Numerical Ability


Time, Speed and Distance


Which of the following is NOT a correct statement?


The speed of 20 m/s is less than the speed of 85 km/h.

Time may be calculated by dividing the distance by the speed.

Covering the same distance in lesser time implies a higher speed.

The speed of 99 km/h is less than the speed of 24 m/s.

Correct Answer:

The speed of 99 km/h is less than the speed of 24 m/s.


To convert speed in km/h to m/sec

x km/h = x × \(\frac{5}{18}\) = y m/sec

A) The speed of 20 m/s is less than the speed of 85 km/h.

85km/h = 85 × \(\frac{5}{18}\) = 23.61 > 20m/sec  (followed)

B) Time may be calculated by dividing the distance by the speed.

Spped = \(\frac{Distance }{Time }\)

Time = \(\frac{Distance }{Speed }\)    (foolowed)

C) Covering the same distance in lesser time implies a higher speed.

Spped = \(\frac{Distance }{Time }\)

From this equation we can say , lower the time taken  more will be the speed .

D) The speed of 99 km/h is less than the speed of 24 m/s.

99km/h = 99 × \(\frac{5}{18}\) = 27.5 > 20m/sec  (Not followed)

Hence , D is correct answer .