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General Knowledge


The ______ is a single string musical instrument made using a bamboo and a gourd, mostly used by traditional folk singers in Maharashtra.






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option (2) - Ektara

The Ektara is a traditional Indian musical instrument commonly used by folk singers, particularly in the state of Maharashtra. It is a simple stringed instrument consisting of a bamboo neck with one string attached to it and a resonating gourd or coconut shell at the bottom.

The word "Ektara" literally translates to "one string" in Hindi, reflecting the instrument's single-string design. Despite its simplicity, the Ektara is capable of producing a rich and resonant sound, making it suitable for accompanying vocal performances.

To play the Ektara, the musician plucks or strums the single string while holding the instrument in one hand and using the other hand to adjust the tension of the string or press it against the neck to change the pitch. The resonating gourd or coconut shell amplifies the sound produced by the vibrating string, giving the instrument its characteristic tone.

In Maharashtra, the Ektara is often used by traditional folk singers known as "bhavgeets" or "abhangs," who perform devotional songs, ballads, and narrative folk songs. It is also used in various folk music traditions across India, with regional variations in design and playing technique.

Overall, the Ektara holds a special place in Indian folk music, representing the simplicity and authenticity of traditional musical instruments. Its soulful sound and versatile nature make it a beloved instrument among folk musicians and enthusiasts alike.