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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Recent Developments in Indian Politics


The Mandal Commission was established with the primary objective of examining the level of educational and societal disadvantages experienced by various segments of the Indian population. Its purpose was to propose methods for identifying these marginalized 'backward classes' within society and to offer strategies for alleviating their disadvantaged status. In 1980, the Commission issued its recommendations, although this occurred after the collapse of the Janata government.
In August 1990, the National Front government made the crucial choice to put into effect one of the recommendations put forth by the Mandal Commission. This particular recommendation concerned the reservation of positions for Other Backward Classes (OBCs) within the central government and its affiliated entities. However, this decision triggered a series of fervent demonstrations and violent protests across numerous cities in northern India.

The term 'backward classes' as used by the Mandal Commission refers to whom?


Only the Scheduled Castes.

Upper-caste individuals.

Only economically disadvantaged individuals.

Both backward castes and Scheduled Castes.

Correct Answer:

Both backward castes and Scheduled Castes.


The Mandal Commission was established with the primary objective of examining the level of educational and societal disadvantages experienced by various segments of the Indian population. Its purpose was to propose methods for identifying these marginalized 'backward classes' within society and to offer strategies for alleviating their disadvantaged status. In 1980, the Commission issued its recommendations, although this occurred after the collapse of the Janata government.

Central to its findings was the proposal that 'backward classes' should be interpreted as 'backward castes,' as the Commission recognized that numerous castes, aside from the Scheduled Castes, were also positioned at lower rungs of the caste hierarchy. Through an extensive survey, the Commission unearthed a notable underrepresentation of these backward castes both in educational institutions and within the public sector workforce. To address this disparity, the Commission suggested earmarking 27 percent of seats in educational institutions and government jobs for these groups.

Furthermore, the Mandal Commission presented a range of supplementary recommendations aimed at ameliorating the conditions of the Other Backward Classes (OBCs). Among these suggestions was the idea of implementing land reforms to enhance the socio-economic circumstances of these groups.