The Partition of India in 1947 had reduced the North-East to a land locked region and affected its economy. Cut off from the rest of India, the region suffered neglect in developmental terms. Its politics too remained insulated. At the same time, most States in this region underwent major demographic changes due to influx of migrants from neighbouring States and countries. The isolation of the region, its complex social character and its backwardness compared to other parts of the country have all resulted in the complicated set of demands from different states of the North-East. The vast international border and weak communication between the North-East and the rest of India have further added to the delicate nature of politics there. Three issues dominate the politics of North-East: demands for autonomy, movements for secession, and opposition to ‘outsiders’. Major initiatives on the first issue in the 1970s set the stage for some dramatic developments on the second and the third in the 1980s. |
In which Northeastern region did the original inhabitants become a minority in their own land due to immigration? Choose the correct answer from the given options: |
1 2 3 4 |
4 |
Answer:Tripura After six years of unrest, the government led by Rajiv Gandhi engaged in negotiations with the AASU leaders, resulting in the signing of an accord in 1985. According to this agreement, individuals who had migrated into Assam during and after the Bangladesh war and subsequent periods were to be identified and deported. Following the successful conclusion of the movement, both the AASU and the Asom Gana Sangram Parishad reorganized themselves into a regional political party known as Asom Gana Parishad (AGP). This party came to power in 1985, promising to address the issue of foreign nationals and to foster the development of a 'Golden Assam.' |