Practicing Success

Target Exam







From the given options, select the one that carries the same relationship as:

Doubtful : Skeptical


Dreary : Dull

Resist : Submit

Wicked : Virtuous

Comic : Tragic

Correct Answer:

Dreary : Dull

The answer is Option 1: Dreary : Dull.
  • Doubtful means not certain or confident.
  • Skeptical means having or showing doubt or disbelief.
  • Dreary means lacking interest or excitement; boring.
  • Dull means not interesting or exciting; boring.

So, the relationship between doubtful and skeptical is similar to the relationship between dreary and dull. They are both words that describe something that is not interesting or exciting.

The other options do not have the same relationship.

  • Resist means to oppose or withstand something.
  • Submit means to yield to someone or something; give in.
  • Wicked means morally bad or wrong.
  • Virtuous means morally good or good in character.

The relationship between resist and submit is opposite to the relationship between doubtful and skeptical. Resist means to oppose something, while submit means to give in to something. Wicked and virtuous are also opposites. Wicked means morally bad, while virtuous means morally good.

The relationship between comic and tragic is not similar to the relationship between doubtful and skeptical. Comic means funny or amusing, while tragic means sad or sorrowful.