Practicing Success

Target Exam





Electromagnetic Induction


A hydroelectric power plant situated at a distance of 20 km from a town. Whose energy demand is 100 MW at 240 V. At hydro electric power plant, the water pressure head is at a height of 400 m and the water flow available is 100 m3/s. Electrical energy generated in power plant is transmitted to the town with the use of transformers voltage output of the Ac. generator at power plant is stepped up and is there transmitted over long distances to an sub-station near the consumers in town. Sub-stations and utility poles steps down the voltage finally the 240 V which finally reaches the houses.

In the efficiency of turbine is 70% the electric power generated in plant is (Take g = 10 m/s2)


280 kW

280 MW

400 kW

400 MW

Correct Answer:

280 MW


The correct answer is Option (2) → 280 MW

Gravitational power generated

$P_{\text {grav }}=\rho\left(\frac{d V}{d t}\right) g h$

$P_{\text {grav }}=1000(100)(10)(400)$

$P_{\text {grav }}=400 ~MW$

But, efficiency is  $\eta=\frac{\text { Power output }}{\text { Power input }}=\frac{P_{\text {electric }}}{P_{\text {grav }}}$

∴  $P_{\text {electric }}=70\left(\frac{400}{100}\right) ~MW$

$P_{\text {electric }} = 280 ~MW$