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Fundamentals of Human Geography: Secondary Activities


Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched?


Automobile industry: Los Angeles

Shipbuilding industry :Lusaka

Aircraft industry: Florence

None of the above

Correct Answer:

None of the above


None of the above options are correctly matched. Here's why:

1. Automobile industry: Los Angeles: While Los Angeles has a significant presence in the automobile industry, it's not the most dominant location. Cities like Detroit (USA) and Wolfsburg (Germany) are considered the global centers for automobile manufacturing.

2. Shipbuilding industry: Lusaka: Lusaka is a landlocked capital city in Zambia, making it an unlikely location for a major shipbuilding industry. Shipbuilding typically thrives in coastal cities with access to ports and shipping routes.

3. Aircraft industry: Florence: Florence is not recognized as a major hub for aircraft manufacturing. Cities like Seattle (USA), Toulouse (France), and Moscow (Russia) are known for their prominent roles in the aircraft industry.