Practicing Success

Target Exam







Select the correct indirect form of the given sentence.

“Would you show me your ticket, please?” the TC said.


The TC asked me to show him my ticket.

The TC said to me to show him my ticket.

The TC mentioned me to show him my ticket.

The TC asked me to show him that ticket.

Correct Answer:

The TC asked me to show him my ticket.


The correct indirect form of the given sentence is:

The TC asked me to show him my ticket.

The other options are incorrect for the following reasons:

  • The TC said to me to show him my ticket. This sentence is incorrect because it is too direct. In indirect speech, the reporting verb is usually in the past tense and the reported clause is in a subordinate tense.
  • The TC mentioned me to show him my ticket. This sentence is incorrect because the verb "mentioned" is too casual. The more appropriate verb is "asked."
  • The TC asked me to show him that ticket. This sentence is incorrect because the demonstrative pronoun "that" should not be used in indirect speech.