Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Which of the following schemes launched by the present government has been correctly matched with its purpose?


SUMAN Scheme – Free medicines to pregnant women

UJJWALA Scheme – Street lighting

SAGARMALA Scheme – To regularise selling of goods at ports

AASHA Scheme – Remunerative prices to ward boys for serving patients

Correct Answer:

SUMAN Scheme – Free medicines to pregnant women


The correct answer is Option (1) → SUMAN Scheme – Free medicines to pregnant women

Out of the given options, the correctly matched scheme and its purpose is:

  • SUMAN Scheme – Free medicines to pregnant women

Here's a breakdown of the other options:

  • UJJWALA Scheme: This scheme provides subsidies for cooking gas connections to low-income families.
  • SAGARMALA Scheme: This scheme aims to develop India's coastline and waterways for improved port infrastructure and logistics.
  • AASHA Scheme: This scheme provides financial incentives to Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) for promoting maternal and child health.

So, the SUMAN scheme specifically targets pregnant women with its benefit of free medicines.