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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Ancient History


What is the meaning of the term "Buddha"?


The God

The Enlightened One

The Heaven

The World

Correct Answer:

The Enlightened One


The correct answer is Option 2- The Enlightened One

The word Buddha means "The Awakened One"/"The Enlightened One". It is a title given to someone who has achieved enlightenment, which is a state of perfect wisdom and compassion.

The Buddha is not a god, but rather a human being who has realized their full potential. He is a teacher and a guide who shows others the path to enlightenment.

The Buddha was born in Lumbini, Nepal, in the 6th century BCE. His name was Siddhartha Gautama, and he was a prince of the Shakya clan. He lived a privileged life, but he was troubled by the suffering in the world. At the age of 29, he left his home and family to seek a solution to the problem of suffering.

After six years of searching, Siddhartha Gautama achieved enlightenment while meditating under a Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya, India. He then spent the rest of his life teaching others how to achieve enlightenment.