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Which among the following planets is also known as Earth's twin?






Correct Answer:



- Venus is known as Earth's twin due to several similarities it shares with our planet. Venus is the second planet from the Sun and is similar to Earth in terms of size, composition, and proximity to the Sun.

- Similarities between Venus and Earth include:

  1. Size: Venus is very close in size to Earth, with a diameter only slightly smaller than Earth's.

  2. Composition: Both planets are terrestrial planets, meaning they have a solid, rocky surface. They also have similar compositions, with iron cores and rocky mantles.

  3. Gravity: The surface gravity on Venus is similar to Earth's, making it relatively easy for spacecraft to land on Venus compared to other planets.

  4. Atmosphere: Venus has a thick atmosphere, much like Earth, though the composition is quite different. It is primarily composed of carbon dioxide (96.5%) with traces of nitrogen and other gases.

- Despite these similarities, Venus has extreme surface conditions that make it vastly different from Earth.

- It has a runaway greenhouse effect, causing extremely high temperatures, making it the hottest planet in our solar system, even hotter than Mercury, which is closer to the Sun. Venus' thick atmosphere traps heat, resulting in surface temperatures that can melt lead.

- Due to these extreme conditions, despite being called Earth's twin, Venus is vastly different from our planet and is considered one of the most hostile environments in the solar system.