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Target Exam





Grammar: Idioms


Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.
Don't throw dust into my eyes.


To make someone blind

To mislead someone

To capture someone

To protect someone

Correct Answer:

To mislead someone


The idiom "Don't throw dust into my eyes" means to mislead someone. The image of throwing dust into someone's eyes suggests that you are trying to obscure the truth from them. You are trying to make them believe something that is not true.

The other options are incorrect. (☀) To make someone blind is not the meaning of the idiom, as it is not possible to literally throw dust into someone's eyes and make them blind. (2) To capture someone is not the meaning of the idiom, as it is not used in the context of capturing someone. (3) To protect someone is not the meaning of the idiom, as it is not used in the context of protecting someone.