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Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Structural Change

To facilitate the smooth functioning of its rule, colonialism introduced a wide array of changes in every sphere, be it legal or cultural, or architectural. Some of these changes were deliberate while some took place in an unintended fashion. For example, we saw how western education was introduced to create Indians who would manage British colonialism. Instead, it led to the growth of nationalist and anti-colonial consciousness. Western colonialism was inextricably connected to the growth of western capitalism. Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production are privately owned. If capitalism became the dominant economic system, nation-states became the dominant political form of governing a territory.
If Capitalism is conceptually different from colonialism, which of the following is TRUE about their difference?
Capitalism is primarily a market system where production is privately owned and oriented toward the accumulation of profits.
Colonialism has a very large-scale intervention in the colonized land making changes in the structure and culture of the colonies.
While capitalism brought the idea of a Nation-State at one level, colonialism brought the nationalist sentiments at another level.
All of the above.
Correct Answer:
All of the above.
All of the above conceptually differentiate capitalism from colonialism.