Practicing Success

Target Exam





Dissolution of Partnership Firm


A partner has agreed to undertake the dissolution work and agreed to pay and bear the realisation expenses himself. Choose the correct entry for the given case.


Partner's Capital A/c Dr.
         To Bank A/c

Realisation A/c Dr.
          To Partner's Capital A/c

No entry is required

Realisation A/c Dr.
        To Bank A/c

Correct Answer:

No entry is required


For payment of realisation expenses-

(a) When some expenses are incurred and paid by the firm in the process of realisation of assets and payment of liabilities:
Realisation A/c Dr. To Bank A/c

(b) When realisation expenses are paid by a partner on behalf of the firm:
Realisation A/c Dr. To Partner’s Capital A/c

(c) When a partner has agreed to bear the realisation expenses:
(i) if payment of realisation expenses is made by the firm Partner’s Capital A/c Dr. To Bank A/c
(ii) if the partner himself pays the realisation expenses, no entry is required.