Practicing Success

Target Exam





Ancient India: Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings


Consider the following statements in connection with Jainism. Choose the incorrect ones.
(A) The entire world is animated.
(B) The world is transient and constantly changing.
(C) The cycle of birth and rebirth is shaped through karma.
(D) One should follow the path of moderation.
(E) Asceticism and penance are required to free oneself from the cycle of karma.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :
(1) (A), (B) only
(2) (A), (C) only
(3) (B), (D) only
(4) (D), (E) only







Correct Answer:



The statements B and D are related to Buddhism.

Jaina teachings propose that the cycle of birth and rebirth is shaped by karma - the law of cause and effect. To liberate oneself from this cycle, one must engage in asceticism and penance. The path to liberation entails renouncing worldly attachments, and hence, monastic life becomes a crucial prerequisite for salvation. Jaina monks and nuns adhere to five vows: abstaining from killing, stealing, and lying; observing celibacy; and renouncing the possession of property. These vows guide them on their spiritual journey towards ultimate liberation from the cycle of karma and rebirth.

Buddhist philosophy teaches that the world is impermanent ('anicca') and ever-changing, devoid of a permanent self ('anatta'). Within this ever-changing realm, the inherent nature of human existence is marked by suffering ('dukkha'). The path to liberation lies in finding balance, steering away from extreme self-mortification and indulgence. By embracing this middle way, individuals can transcend the trials of the material world.