Practicing Success

Target Exam







Choose the option that is the direct form of the sentence.

He asked me to wait there until I got my turn.


He said to me, “Wait here until you get your turn.”

He asked me to “wait there until you get my turn.”

He said to me, “You are wait here until you get your turn.”

He told to me “Wait here until you get your turn.”

Correct Answer:

He said to me, “Wait here until you get your turn.”


The direct form of the sentence is He said to me, “Wait here until you get your turn.”

The other options are incorrect because they do not make the necessary changes to the reporting verb, pronouns, or tense of the verbs.

  • The option "He asked me to “wait there until you get my turn.”" does not change the reporting verb "asked" to the past tense.
  • The option "He said to me, “You are wait here until you get your turn.”" incorrectly uses the present tense of the verb "wait".
  • The option "He told to me “Wait here until you get your turn.”" incorrectly uses the imperative form of the verb "wait".