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Medieval India: Through the Eyes of Travellers


Which part of Brahman's body are the Kshatriya believed to have been created from, as per Al-Biruni's account?



Shoulders and hands



Correct Answer:

Shoulders and hands


Al-Biruni mentions that the Kshatriya varna is believed to have been created from the shoulders and hands of Brahman.

Al-Biruni provides insight into the varna system as follows:
The highest caste in this system is the Brahmana, according to Hindu scriptures, they were created from the head of Brahman. Given that Brahman symbolizes the force of nature and the head is the most elevated part of the body, the Brahmana are regarded as the most select among all categories. Consequently, the Hindus hold them in the highest esteem.
Next in line are the Kshatriya, believed to have been created from the shoulders and hands of Brahman. Their status is only slightly lower than that of the Brahmana.
Following the Kshatriya are the Vaishya, said to have originated from the thigh of Brahman.
Lastly, the Shudra are believed to have been created from the feet of Brahman.
Despite the distinctions among these classes, they coexist in the same towns and villages, sharing houses and accommodations.