Practicing Success

Target Exam





Indian Economic Development: Human Capital Formation in India

Which of the following are benefits of education?
i. Confers lower earning capacity
ii. Gives one a better social standing
iii. Enables to make poor choices in life
iv. Provides knowledge to understand changes taking place in society
v. Stimulates innovations
vi. Poor adaptation of old technology
i, iii, vi
i, iii, vi
ii, iv, vi
ii, iv, v
Correct Answer:
ii, iv, v
Education is sought not only as it confers higher earning capacity on people but also for its other highly valued benefits: it gives one a better social standing and pride; it enables one to make better choices in life; it provides knowledge to understand the changes taking place in society; it also stimulates innovations. Moreover, the availability of educated labour force facilitates adaptation of new technologies.