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Target Exam





Indian Society: Demographic Structure of Indian Society


Which among the following is NOT a reason for decline in sex-ratio in India?


Increasing health risk of men

Female infanticide

Social stigma towards girl child

High maternal mortality

Correct Answer:

Increasing health risk of men


The correct answer is Option (1) → Increasing health risk of men

  • Female infanticide: The historical and ongoing practice of killing female infants before they reach birth or shortly after birth significantly impacts the sex ratio, leading to an imbalance favoring males.
  • Social stigma towards the girl child: Societal biases and discrimination against girls, valuing sons more than daughters, can lead to neglect, inadequate healthcare, and higher mortality among girls, contributing to the skewed sex ratio.
  • High maternal mortality: While not directly causing a decline in the sex ratio, high maternal mortality rates can indicate limited access to healthcare and poor living conditions for women, potentially impacting their ability to safely give birth to daughters and contributing to the overall gender imbalance.