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Target Exam





Ancient India: Kings, Farmers and Towns


Arrange the following historical events chronologically.

A. Beginning of Gupta rule.
B. Rulers of Magadha consolidate power.
C. Accession of Kanishka.
D. Reign of Asoka.
E. Samudragupta.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


C, A, B, E, D

B, D, C, A, E

A, B, C, D, E

D, C, B, E, A

Correct Answer:

B, D, C, A, E


The correct answer is Option (2) → B, D, C, A, E

1. B. Rulers of Magadha consolidate power: This consolidation of power took place at various points in ancient Indian history, including before and during the rise of empires like the Maurya Empire and the Gupta Empire.

2. D. Reign of Asoka: The reign of Emperor Asoka occurred during the Maurya Empire and is generally dated from around 268 BCE to 232 BCE.

3. C. Accession of Kanishka: This event occurred around the 1st century CE, during the Kushan Empire.

4. A. Beginning of Gupta rule: The Gupta Empire is believed to have begun in the 4th century CE.

5. E. Samudragupta: Samudragupta was a ruler of the Gupta Empire, and he is believed to have ruled from around 335 CE to 380 CE.

So, the correct option is [2].