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Target Exam





India-People and Economy: Water resources


Assertion:. Watershed management basically refers to efficient management and conservation of surface and groundwater resources.
Reasoning: Watershed management aims at bringing about balance between natural resources on the one hand and society on the other.


Both Assertion (A) and reasoning (R) are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.

Both Assertion (A) and reasoning (R) are correct and but R is not the correct explanation of A.

Assertion (A) is true but Reasoning (R) is not correct.

Assertion (A) is not true but Reasoning (R) is correct.

Correct Answer:

Both Assertion (A) and reasoning (R) are correct and but R is not the correct explanation of A.


The correct answer is: Option 2:Both Assertion (A) and reasoning (R) are correct and but R is not the correct explanation of A.

Assertion: Watershed management basically refers to efficient management and conservation of surface and groundwater resources. This statement is true.

Reasoning: Watershed management aims at bringing about balance between natural resources on the one hand and society on the other. This statement is also true.

While both the assertion and the reasoning are correct statements, the reasoning provided doesn't directly explain the assertion. It offers a broader goal of watershed management but doesn't precisely elucidate why watershed management is defined as the efficient management and conservation of surface and groundwater resources.

Watershed management basically refers to efficient management and conservation of surface and groundwater resources. It involves prevention of runoff and storage and recharge of groundwater through various methods like percolation tanks, recharge wells, etc. However, in broad sense watershed management includes conservation, regeneration and judicious use of all resources – natural (like land, water, plants and animals) and human with in a watershed. Watershed management aims at bringing about balance between natural resources on the one hand and society on the other. The success of watershed development largely depends upon community participation.