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Target Exam





Grammar: Active Passive Voice


Choose the correct conversion of Active Voice to Passive Voice for the given sentence :

The cat is chasing the mouse.

(A) The cat chases the mouse.
(B) The mouse is chasing the cat.
(C) The mouse is being chased by the cat.
(D) The mouse is chased.
(E) The mouse chases the cat.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :


(B) Only

(C) Only

(D) Only

(A) and (E) Only

Correct Answer:

(C) Only


The correct answer is: (C) Only

Here's why:

  • The original sentence "The cat is chasing the mouse" is in the active voice.
  • To convert it to the passive voice, we need to:
    • Make the object of the active voice sentence (the mouse) the subject of the passive voice sentence.
    • Use the auxiliary verb "be" in the same tense as the original verb ("is" in this case).
    • Add the past participle of the original verb ("chased").
  • Therefore, the correct passive voice sentence is: "The mouse is being chased by the cat."