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Target Exam





Indian Economic Development: Rural Development


Steps that were taken to improve the agricultural marketing aspects includes:

A. Regulated markets
B. Improved infrastructural facilities
C. Predomination of money lenders
D. Maximum retail price
E. Maintenance of buffer stock

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


A, B, and E only

A, B and C only

B, C and E only

B, C and D only

Correct Answer:

A, B, and E only


The correct answer is Option (1) → A, B, and E only

A. Regulated markets - These are markets where agricultural produce is bought and sold under government-regulated conditions to ensure fair prices and practices.

B. Improved infrastructural facilities - Infrastructure such as roads, storage facilities, cold chains, and market yards are improved to facilitate efficient transportation and storage of agricultural produce.

C. Predomination of money lenders - This is not a step to improve agricultural marketing. In fact, reliance on money lenders is often a barrier to farmers accessing fair markets and prices.

D. Maximum retail price - While relevant to consumer protection, setting maximum retail prices is not related to improving agricultural marketing aspects.

E. Maintenance of buffer stock - This involves the government holding stocks of agricultural produce to stabilize prices and ensure food security, which indirectly affects agricultural marketing stability.