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Target Exam



General Test


General Ability


Alphabet test


Arrange the given words in the sequence in which they occur in the dictionary and then choose the correct sequence:

1. Spruce  2. Spume  3. Spree  4. Spurt  5. Sprawl






Correct Answer:



In this type of question we do not need to anaylse the whole word. We start with the 1st letter of all words and then eventually go to the successive words and keep on arranging them in alphabetical order.

1. Spruce  2. Spume  3. Spree  4. Spurt  5. Sprawl

"Sp" is common in every word so we will start the analysis after that.

Spruce has "R" after "Sp"

Spume has "U" after "Sp"

Spree has "R" after "Sp"

Spurt has "U" after "Sp"

Sprawl has "R" after "Sp"


We saw that Spruce, Spree and Sprawl have "R", and Spume and Spurt have "U". As, R comes prior to U thus, these 3 will come in the starting. Now, we will look for next letter i.e. "U" in case of Spruce,"E" in case of Spree and "A" in case of Sprawl. As, the ascending orders of letter would be A,E and U. So, the words appearing in dictionary would look like Sprawl, Spree and Spruce. Now, in case of Spurt and Spume, "U" is common in both the words so, we will see the next letter i.e. "R" in case of Spurt and "M" in case of Spume. As, "M" comes prior to "R", Spume will come first and Spurt will come after words.

So, the answer is Sprawl, Spree, Spruce, Spurt and Spume.


We can also go by options i.e. once we know that 5th word will come in the first position and and 3rd will come in the 2nd position. We can directly mark that from the options and need not check it further.