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General Test


General Knowledge


Which Constitutional Amendment Act introduced Anti-Defection Provisions in the Constitution?


52nd Constitutional Amendment Act

44th Constitutional Amendment Act

86th Constitutional Amendment Act

43rd Constitutional Amendment Act

Correct Answer:

52nd Constitutional Amendment Act


The correct answer is Option 1 - 52nd Constitutional Amendment Act

Defection refers to the act of an elected representative leaving the political party to which they belong and either joining another party or becoming independent.

The schedule of the Constitution of India that contains provisions for disqualification of a legislator on the ground of defection is Schedule X. Schedule X, also known as the Tenth Schedule, was introduced through the 52nd amendment in 1985 specifically to address defection by legislators. It outlines the grounds for disqualification and the process for deciding such cases.

The Anti-Defection Law aims to promote stability and integrity in the political system by discouraging opportunistic defections and ensuring that elected representatives maintain their allegiance to the party on whose ticket they were elected.