Practicing Success

Target Exam





Dissolution of Partnership Firm


Vibha was appointed to look after the dissolution work for which she was allowed a remuneration of ₹14,000. She agreed to take over investment of the book value of ₹14,000 towards payment of her remuneration. Investments have already been transferred to realisation Account. What will be the journal entry for this?


Vibha's Capital A/c  Dr.  ₹14000
    To Bank A/c                      ₹14000
(Investment took for remuneration)

Vibha's Capital A/c     Dr.  ₹27000
    To Realisation A/c                  27000
(Investment took for remuneration)

No entry passed

Vibha's Capital A/c  Dr. ₹14000
    To Investment A/c            ₹13000
     To Bank A/c                     ₹1000
(Investment took for remuneration)

Correct Answer:

No entry passed


* For payment of realisation expenses
(a) When some expenses are incurred and paid by the firm in the process of realisation of assets and payment of liabilities: Realisation A/c Dr. To Bank A/c
(b) When realisation expenses are paid by a partner on behalf of the firm: Realisation A/c Dr. To Partner’s Capital A/c
(c) When a partner has agreed to bear the realisation expenses:
     (i) if payment of realisation expenses is made by the firm Partner’s Capital A/c Dr. To Bank A/c
     (ii) if the partner himself pays the realisation expenses, no entry is required
Note: In the absence of information about who is paying the expenses, it is implied that expenses are paid by the partner who has agreed to bear expenses.
* For agreed remuneration to such partner who agrees to undertake the dissolution work. Realisation A/c Dr. To Partner’s Capital A/c 
* No entry is passed for investments takeover because 2 Journal entry will be passed which makes cancellation of each other.
Realisation A/c ₹14000
   To Vibha's Capital A/c ₹14000
(Being remuneration paid)
Vibha's Capital A/c   ₹14000
      To Realisation A/c     ₹14000
(Investments taken over by partner)