Practicing Success

Target Exam







Mark the statements as true (T) or false (F).

i) Ecosystems are exempt from thermodynamic laws.
ii) No energy that is trapped in an organism remains in it forever.
iii) Plants capture only 2-10% of PAR.


i- T
ii- F
iii- T

i- F
ii- F
iii- T

i- T
ii- F
iii- F

i- F
ii- T
iii- T

Correct Answer:

i- F
ii- T
iii- T


i) False (F) - Ecosystems are not exempt from thermodynamic laws; they must obey the laws of thermodynamics, including the conservation of energy and the tendency of energy to dissipate and become less available for useful work.

ii) True (T) - No energy that is trapped in an organism remains in it forever. Energy flows through ecosystems and is eventually transferred to other organisms or lost as heat during metabolic processes.

iii) True (T) - Plants capture only 2-10% of PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) from sunlight. Most of the sunlight falling on plants is not captured or converted into chemical energy through photosynthesis. The percentage varies based on factors such as plant species, environmental conditions, and the availability of other resources like water and nutrients.