Practicing Success

Target Exam





Attitudes and Social Cognition


Ayesha hated studying Maths because her Maths teacher is strict and she finds her methods boring. On the other hand, she just started studying Spanish and her Spanish teacher is very approachable according to her. She seems to like the subject because of her, this refers to __________ process of attitude formation.





Being rewarded

Correct Answer:



The process of attitude formation that Ayesha is experiencing is association.

Association is the process of forming an attitude towards an object, person, or event based on our experiences with it. In Ayesha's case, she has associated Maths with a strict and boring teacher, while she has associated Spanish with an approachable teacher. As a result, she has developed a negative attitude towards Maths and a positive attitude towards Spanish.

The other options are not as relevant:

  • Cultural: This process of attitude formation is based on the values and norms of the culture in which we live. For example, we may develop a positive attitude towards certain foods or customs because they are valued in our culture.
  • Modelling: This process of attitude formation involves observing and imitating the attitudes of others. For example, we may develop a positive attitude towards a certain job because we see that our parents or friends enjoy doing it.
  • Being rewarded: This process of attitude formation involves receiving positive reinforcement for expressing a particular attitude. For example, we may develop a positive attitude towards exercise because we are praised or rewarded for working out regularly.

Therefore, the best answer is Association.