Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Numerical Ability




A person bought 80 pens at the rate of Rs.80 per pen. He sells 40pens at a loss of 20 percent. If profit of 20 percent is earned on the all pens together, then what will be the profit percentage on the remaining 40 pens?


60 percent

80 percent

70 percent

90 percent

Correct Answer:

60 percent


Cost Price of 80 pens = 80 × 80 = Rs. 6400

Selling Price of a loss-making pens = 80 - 20% of 80 = 80 - 16 = Rs. 64

Selling Price of 40 loss making pens = 40 × 64 = Rs. 2560

Since, he made 20% profit on all pens together.

Selling price of all pens together = 6400 + 20% of 6400

= 6400 + 1280 = Rs.7680

Selling Price of remaining 40 pens =7680 - 2560 = Rs. 5120

Cost Price of 40 pens = 80 ×40 = Rs. 3200

Profit on 40 pens = 5120 - 3200 = Rs. 1920

Profit % on remaining 40 pens= \(\frac{1920}{3200}\) × 100 = 60%