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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Who among the following repealed the Vernacular Press Act of 1878?


Lord Ripon

Lord Northbrook

Lord Lytton

Lord Dufferin

Correct Answer:

Lord Ripon


The correct answer is Option 1- Lord Ripon

Lord Ripon repealed the Vernacular Press Act of 1878.

The Vernacular Press Act was a law enacted by the British government in India in 1878. The law was designed to restrict the freedom of the press in India, particularly the vernacular press, which was published in Indian languages. The law gave the British government the power to censor and suppress any publication that it deemed to be seditious or threatening to public order.

The Vernacular Press Act was widely unpopular in India. It was seen as an attempt by the British government to stifle dissent and to prevent Indians from expressing their views freely. The law was also seen as an attack on Indian culture and traditions.

Lord Ripon was the Viceroy of India from 1880 to 1884. He was a liberal politician who was sympathetic to the Indian cause. He repealed the Vernacular Press Act in 1882, in response to widespread protests and criticism of the law.