Practicing Success

Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Regional Aspirations


The Kashmiris believe that the autonomy conferred by Article 370 is not enough. Which of the following grievances of Kashmiris in this context are incorrect?


The promise that Accession would be referred to the people of the State after the situation created by tribal invasion was normalised, has not been fulfilled. This generated the demand for a plebiscite.

There was a feeling that the special federal status guaranteed by Article 370, had been eroded in practice. This had led to the demand for restoration of autonomy or "Greater State Autonomy".

it was felt that democracy which is practiced in the rest of India has not been similarly institutionalised in the State of Jammu and Kashmir

None of the above

Correct Answer:

None of the above


All options are correct.
A section of Kashmiris believe that the autonomy conferred by Article 370 is not enough. They have expressed at least three major grievances. First, the promise that Accession would be referred to the people of the State after the situation created by tribal invasion was normalised, has not been fulfilled. This has generated the demand for a ‘Plebiscite’. Secondly, there is a feeling that the special federal status guaranteed by Article 370, has been eroded in practice. This has led to the demand for restoration of autonomy or ‘Greater State Autonomy’. Thirdly, it is felt that democracy which is practiced in the rest of India has not been similarly institutionalised in the State of Jammu and Kashmir.