Practicing Success

Target Exam





Grammar: Formation of Sentence


Change the following Exclamatory sentence into the Assertive sentence. Choose the appropriate answer from below:-

How well you dance!


You dance very well.

You danced very well.

Do you dance very well?

Dance well.

Correct Answer:

You dance very well.


The correct answer is Option (1) → You dance very well.

The original sentence "How well you dance!" is an exclamatory sentence expressing admiration or surprise at the person's dancing ability. It uses the phrase "How well" to emphasize the level of skill or proficiency in dancing.

In the assertive form, we aim to convey the same idea in a declarative or straightforward manner without the exclamatory tone. The option "You dance very well." effectively achieves this transformation.

Here is the breakdown of the assertive sentence:

"You": This part of the sentence identifies the subject, referring to the person being addressed.

"dance": This verb indicates the action being performed by the subject.

"very well": This adverbial phrase describes the manner or degree of the action, indicating that the person dances with a high level of skill or proficiency.

Overall, the sentence "You dance very well." maintains the same meaning as the original sentence but presents it in a more straightforward and assertive manner. It acknowledges the person's dancing ability without the exclamatory or surprised tone.