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Target Exam



Political Science




Which of the following statements is true about citizens and citizenship?


Citizenship has been defined as full and equal membership of a political community.

In the contemporary world, states provide a collective political identity to their members as well as certain rights.

Citizens expect certain rights from their state as well as help and protection wherever they may travel.

All of the above

Correct Answer:

All of the above


The correct answer is Option 4 - All of the above

Option 1- Citizenship has been defined as full and equal membership of a political community.
Option 2- In the contemporary world, states provide a collective political identity to their members as well as certain rights.
Option 3- Citizens expect certain rights from their state as well as help and protection wherever they may travel.
Option 4- All of the above

Citizenship has been defined as full and equal membership of a political community. In the contemporary world, states provide a collective political identity to their members as well as certain rights. Therefore we think of ourselves as Indians, or Japanese, or Germans, depending on the state to which we belong. Citizens expect certain rights from their state as well as help and protection wherever they may travel.