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Target Exam



Legal Studies



The proposal of impeachment of a Supreme Court/High Court Judge must be introduced in the Parliament for discussion by _____ MPs in Rajya Sabha.
Any number of MPS
Correct Answer:
As a part of the process of impeachment, an inquiry is made into the grounds of removal of the judges. The grounds for removal include: (i) proven misbehaviour or (ii) incapacity. The inquiry into these grounds is made under the Judges Inquiry Act, 1986. This inquiry is done by a committee of three members, of which two are judges one from the Supreme Court and second is the Chief Justice of High Court. If the complaint is against the high court judge then two judges from the Supreme Court constitute this Committee. Based on the findings, the recommendation to impeach the judge has to be made by the Chief Justice of India to the President of India. If it is accepted then, the proposal of impeachment must be introduced in the Parliament for discussion by 100 MPs in Lok Sabha or 50 MPs in Rajya Sabha. The copy of the proposal is given to the concerned judge before the proceeding starts in the Parliament of India. The impeachment process in the Parliament is governed under Article 124(4) of the Constitution.