Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Who among the following contemporary style dancers was the first Indian dancer to receive the dance WEB Europe Scholarship ? He/She also won the 2002 American Choreography Award for hid/her work in the movie 'Lagaan'?


Terence Lewis

Ashley Lobo

Padmini Chettur

Shakti Mohan

Correct Answer:

Terence Lewis


The correct answer is Option (1) - Terence Lewis

  • Terence Lewis is an Indian dancer and choreographer.
  • Lewis won the 2002 American Choreography Award for choreographing the songs of the movie Lagaan along with Saroj Khan, Raju Khan, Ganesh Hegde and Vaibhavi Merchant
  • The WEB Europe Scholarship programme offers young professional dancers and choreographers from mainly European but also from non-European countries the possibility to participate in an intense multinational further training programme.