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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Ancient History


Which of the following kings adopted the title of Vikramaditya?


Chandragupta I

Chandragupta II



Correct Answer:

Chandragupta II


The correct answer is Option 2- Chandragupta II

Chandragupta II (reigned c. 380–c. 415 CE) was the fourth emperor of the Gupta Empire in ancient India. He was a brilliant military strategist and a skilled diplomat, and he quickly expanded the empire to include much of northern India.

Chandragupta II was also a great patron of the arts and learning. He established schools and libraries, and he supported scholars and artists. He was himself a poet and a musician, and he encouraged the development of literature, music, and sculpture during his reign.

Chandragupta II adopted the title of Vikramaditya, which means "Sun of Valour." This title was used by other kings in later centuries, and it became associated with the legendary Vikramaditya, who is said to have established the Vikrama Samvat era in 57 BCE.

Some historians believe that the legendary Vikramaditya is based on Chandragupta II. However, others believe that the two are distinct figures. Regardless of whether or not they are the same person, Chandragupta II was one of the greatest emperors in Indian history, and his reign is considered to be a golden age of Indian culture.