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Target Exam



Fine Arts


The Rajasthani Schools of Painting


Bardic legends and other romantic tales, such as Dhola-Maru, Sohni-Mahiwal, Mrigavat, Chaurpanchashika and Laurchanda just to mention a few were other favourite themes. Texts, such as the Ramayana, Bhagvata Purana, Mahabharata, Devi Mahatmya and the like were favourites with all schools of painting. Moreover, a large number of paintings record darbar scenes and historic moments; depict hunting expeditions, wars and victories; picnics, garden parties, dance and music performances; rituals, festivals and wedding processions; portraits of kings, courtiers and their families; city views; birds and animals.

Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a theme depicted in paintings based on the passage?

1. Wars and victories
2. Garden parties
3. Scientific experiments
4. Dance and music performances






Correct Answer:



Answer: Scientific experiments
Scientific experiments were not mentioned as themes depicted in paintings based on the passage.

Bardic legends and other romantic tales, such as Dhola-Maru, Sohni-Mahiwal, Mrigavat, Chaurpanchashika and Laurchanda just to mention a few were other favourite themes. Texts, such as the Ramayana, Bhagvata Purana, Mahabharata, Devi Mahatmya and the like were favourites with all schools of painting.

Moreover, a large number of paintings record darbar scenes and historic moments; depict hunting expeditions, wars and victories; picnics, garden parties, dance and music performances; rituals, festivals and wedding processions; portraits of kings, courtiers and their families; city views; birds and animals.